You and your ministry can thrive.

Proactive Pastor is a community for pastors who are pursuing fruitful ministry in a post-Christian context.

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The Challenges We Face

No matter how many people you lead, you want to lead well. But Sunday is always coming and the cultural tides feel like they're flowing in the opposite direction. You’re left feeling like more is possible than what you’re seeing now. You’re asking questions like:

How can I see more fruit in my ministry?

Faithfulness is vital, but you also long to see tangible results—people growing in their discipleship to Jesus, ministries thriving, and lives transformed.

How do I develop systems that actually work?

Sustainable ministry requires more than effort—it requires structure. The right systems and rhythms free you from chaos and give you the time and space to focus on what matters most.

How can I cultivate a vision for courageous and fruitful leadership?

You’re not just here to maintain the status quo. You want to see lives transformed, ministries flourish, and the Gospel advanced. Visionary leadership starts with embracing the field God has entrusted to you and stepping boldly into His call for a fruitful harvest.

Meet Chris Green

With over 20 years of pastoral leadership experience, Chris understands the unique challenges pastors face. He founded the Proactive Pastor program to create a dynamic community where pastors can collaborate with like-minded leaders, gain clarity about their calling, and develop sustainable ministry rhythms that will carry them into the fruitfulness they long to see.

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A Simple Path to Meaningful Growth


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Join a community of like-minded ministry leaders who are intent on cultivating fruitful ministries.


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Engage in conversations, digital courses, livestreams, mastermind groups, and more.



Gain clarity, focus, skills, confidence to lead well, and make some friends along the way.

Imagine What's Possible

When you thrive, so does your ministry. The Proactive Pastor program will help you:

  • Discovery radical clarity in your calling
  • Develop and sharpen needed skills
  • Build sustainable rhythms for fruitfulness
  • Find your tribe
  • Find renewed energy and focus
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What You Will Get With Proactive Pastor
Discover Radical Clarity

You will gain greater clarity about God’s call on your life and the specific ways you are uniquely at work in the world to live out that call. Within the first three months, you’ll have a renewed sense of focus and purpose, empowering you to lead with confidence and intentionality.

Create Rhythms for Fruitfulness

Together, we’ll equip you with the tools and systems to bring stability and fruitfulness to your ministry. By the end of the first year, you’ll have implemented new rhythms that free you from feeling overwhelmed and set you up for long-term impact and joy in your calling.

Find Your Tribe

You’ll connect with a community of like-minded pastors who are passionate about serving Jesus well. Through these authentic relationships, you’ll gain encouragement, perspective, and fresh ideas as you pursue your calling. You’ll leave with meaningful connections that empower you to navigate the joys and challenges of ministry.

Lead with Impact and Purpose

You will develop a renewed conviction that your ministry matters and is designed to bear fruit for the Kingdom of God. By focusing on the specific patch of the harvest field entrusted to you, you’ll cultivate a vision for impact that moves beyond faithfulness to courageous and fruitful leadership.

Get a vision for more than faithfulness; get a vision for fruitfulness.

Take the first step toward thriving in ministry.
This community is waiting for you.

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